The Science of Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolution - Social Determination Theory
Self-Determination Theory proposes that successful behaviour change is predicted by, behaviours that helps us feel a sense of control, a sense of competence and sense of connection. Internal motivations and goals help us to feel a greater sense of control and autonomy are therefore more likely to result in behaviours change.
The Power of Water at Home
Water is thought to help to reduced stress, improved concentration, reduced heart rate, and improved memory. But how do we include water into our homes and workplaces?
What to do about Muscle Tightness?
Muscle tightness is the difficulty you have moving and can range from discomfort to cramping to pain and can be limiting, frustrating, and sometimes painful. It can be reduced by improving our posture, exercising, moving more, stretching and reducing stress.
Meanings for Memory – Guilty by Association
Association is another way that things gain meaning. Association doesn’t have to be conscious but can also be unconscious. While association helps by giving meaning to things, it also helps by helping us to cross-reference our memories. Thus, associations can be formed intentionally helping us to better encode our memories. They can also be used to recall information that has been filed and associated unconsciously.
The Science of Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolution - The Theory of Planned Behaviour - Feelings of Control
The Theory of Planned Behaviour builds on the Theory of Reasoned Action we look at last week. It proposes that our likelihood to exercise is influenced by our attitude, social pressure and how much control we think we have over exercising. Learn how we can use this to improve your chances of exercising more this year!