Optimism is good...but not in all situations.
Optimism has many benefit. Some people suggest that you should always be optimistic and positive. However, there are times for optimism. And optimism has it’s advantages. But there are also times for pessimism.
You Hip Abs - Keep your back and knees in check
The hip abductors get tight when we sit crossed legged and stand with our leg on one weight. When they are tight or weak it can hinder everyday movements and lead to lower-back and knee pain. Here are some exercises that may help.
Memory - What is it?
Until recently the insula has been a little known, largely unnoticed part of the brain tucked deep within the cortex. However, with the advancement of neuroimaging techniques, its vital roles have slowly been uncovered. It is a window into our self and others. It is key to self-awareness, motivation and addiction and empathy. Still, much is still unknown about this vital island buried deep inside our brains.
The Benefits of Exercise - Our Bones
Exercise has been found time and time again to be related to increased happiness and reduced depression. This has been found for exercise as short as 10 minutes but tends to have more effect with longer bouts. This occurs both immediately after exercise and over the long-term. While scientists aren’t sure exactly on how this occurs, it is thought that it is through the release of endorphins, the feeling of mastery and accomplishment and the social aspect that helps us feel happier when we exercise.
Optimism in Sport
Optimism and pessimism seem to play a large role in the classroom from primary school through to university. Children who are optimistic tend to do better than those who are pessimistic. Seligman argues this is due to their explanatory style. Optimists tend to recover quickly from setbacks while pessimists tend to wallow in depression leading to poor results. Pessimism and depression can also lead to a vicious cycle. Learn more here…