Posterior Pelvic Tilt Exercises
Muscle imbalances including tight glutes, tight abs and weak hip flexors can cause our pelvis to tilt. These exercises can help.
Meanings for Memory – Visualisation: Seeing is…remembering.
Studies show that visual material is remembered differently to verbal material . They show that verbal memory is primarily dealt with in the left part of the brain while imagery is primarily processed in the right side. Many studies have found that visual imagery can improve your memory…even for memory of verbal material. Images are more memorable than words.
The Science of Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolution - Social Determination Theory
Self-Determination Theory proposes that successful behaviour change is predicted by, behaviours that helps us feel a sense of control, a sense of competence and sense of connection. Internal motivations and goals help us to feel a greater sense of control and autonomy are therefore more likely to result in behaviours change.
What to do about Muscle Tightness?
Muscle tightness is the difficulty you have moving and can range from discomfort to cramping to pain and can be limiting, frustrating, and sometimes painful. It can be reduced by improving our posture, exercising, moving more, stretching and reducing stress.
Meanings for Memory – Guilty by Association
Association is another way that things gain meaning. Association doesn’t have to be conscious but can also be unconscious. While association helps by giving meaning to things, it also helps by helping us to cross-reference our memories. Thus, associations can be formed intentionally helping us to better encode our memories. They can also be used to recall information that has been filed and associated unconsciously.