Levator Scapula - Not a Harry Potter spell but a pain in the neck
Levator. Scapula
No, not a Harry Potter spell, but an important muscle for our posture.
What does the levator scapula do?
The levator scapulae runs down the side of our neck and connects the shoulder blades to the spine. It helps with
Lifting our shoulders,
Tilting our head,[i]
Squeezing your shoulder blades together, and
Tilting our shoulder blades.[ii]
It is commonly used in activities such as
Throwing, and
Racquet sports[iii]
When we look down our phones, our levator scapulae is required to constantly fire which can make them tight and overused.[vi]
What happens when our levator scapula muscles are tight?
When our levator scapulae are tight it can result in,
So I have tight levator scapulae, what can I do about it?
Head Tilts
Sit or stand facing forward.
Tilt your left ear toward your left shoulder.
To deepen the stretch, you can reach your right arm out to the side (about 45 degrees down toward the ground) or gently place your left hand on your head and apply a gentle pressure.
Hold for a couple of seconds and repeat on the other wide.
Self-Myofascial Release / Self-Massage
Levator Scapulae Roll
Place a massage ball / tennis ball etc between your levator scapulae and a wall.
Repeat on the other side.
Ear to shoulder
Start standing or sitting
Slowly take your ear toward your shoulder. If you shoulder lifts, then ease back
Lift your same side hand and place it on your head. Rest your hand for slightly more pressure. Do NOT pull.
Hold for about 30 seconds.
Repeat on the otherside.
Cat-Cow pose
Start on all fours (table top position). Hips over knees. Shoulders of elbows.
Inhale. Starting from the pelvis. Tilt the tailbone up. Let you stomach sink. Pull your chest forward. Lift your head.Exhale. Tilt tailbone down. Draw your belly button to your spine. Round the spine. Chin to chest.
Repeat as you breathe.
You can also get your FREE 2 week Recharge trial and we’ll go through these techniques with you.
The EVERYDAY can lead tight or weak elevator scapulae
Come to Recharge and Move BEYOND the EVERYDAY.
[i] https://www.physio-pedia.com/Levator_Scapulae_Syndrome
[ii] https://www.precisionmovement.coach/levator-scapulae-stretch/
[iii] https://www.precisionmovement.coach/levator-scapulae-stretch/
[iv] https://www.precisionmovement.coach/levator-scapulae-stretch/
[v] https://www.westaustinmassage.com/single-post/2018/02/10/Muscle-of-the-Month-Levator-Scapulae
[vi] https://www.precisionmovement.coach/levator-scapulae-stretch/
[vii] https://us.humankinetics.com/blogs/excerpt/levator-scapulae-stretch
[viii] https://www.physio-pedia.com/Levator_Scapulae_Syndrome
Photo by monkeybusinessimages/iStock / Getty Images