Pelvic Tilt – Anterior Tilt Exercises


What is anterior pelvic tilt

Last time we looked at anterior pelvis tilt. The pelvis is a group of bones that connects the back and legs. An anterior tilt means it is tilted forward and is caused by shortened hip flexors and a lengthening of the hip extensors. Our sedentary lives can a major cause of type hip flexors. An anterior tilt forces our lower spine to curve leading to back pain and the leg bones to rotate in causing hip and knee pain.


So, I have anterior pelvic tilt muscles…what can I do about it?

Firstly, if you are suffering pain, there are several medical causes, so please consult your health professional for advice. 

Additionally, here are some things you can do to help.




Lie flat on your back with your legs bent and your feet hip-width apart on the floor.

Push your heels into the ground the lift your pelvis off the ground (make sure your feet are directly below your knees and your knees don’t bow in or flare out).

Lower down slowly.



Self-Myofascial Release (SMFR) / Self-massage

Hip Flexor Foam Roll

Place a roller across your mat.

Lie on your front on your elbows with the roller at the front of your hips.

Slowly roll back and forward.



Low Lunge

Start in downward facing dog

Step one foot forward between your heels with the knee over the heel

Lower the rear knee for the floor and slide it back until you feel a stretch

Lift your torso and arms toward the ceiling/sky. Draw your tailbone toward the floor

Photo by yodiyim/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by yodiyim/iStock / Getty Images


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